Dr. Kaat Goris

Dr. Kaat Goris

Cargill Premix & Nutrition
the Netherlands


Kaat Goris graduated in 2001 from the Veterinary School of Ghent University, Belgium. She worked at the department Anatomy & Physiology of Antwerp University for 1 year as an assistant while doing research on Lawsonia intracellularis in pigs. In 2002 she took the lead in a Salmonella project at the Flanders Animal Health Department (DGZ). From 2004 till 2014 she worked as a nutritionist and veterinarian in one of the most important Belgian feed mills (ARVESTA). During this time she completed in 2013 a two year course at the university of Ghent to obtain the degree of ‘Professional Swine Veterinarian’.

Since March 2014 she joined Cargill Premix & Nutrition (CAN) as swine application specialist for the West European region. In this role she gives technical support to the WE sales teams, mainly in Benelux, Germany, Austria Italy, Spain and Greece/Cyprus. Furthermore she participates in different internal and external innovation projects, making the bridge between the field  and product development.

Kaat is also a member of the IPVS Belgian Branch management committee since 2021.

Cargill, one of the biggest family owned companies, provides food, agriculture, financial and industrial products and services to the world. Cargill has about 160,000 employees in 70 countries and is committed to feeding the world in a responsible way. Cargill has over 150 years of experience and helps people thrive by applying their broad insights and knowhow.



It is increasingly important for pork production to meet the needs of a growing world population in an efficient, sustainable manner, yet global economic trends and new regulatory constraints have made this task more difficult in recent years. Global increases in energy costs have resulted in lower energy diets being fed, even in regions of the world that have historically fed fats and oils. Thus, strategies to improve feed efficiency through means other than manipulating dietary energy are gaining interest. Further refining nutrient requirements to meet and not exceed the pig’s needs remains critical for minimizing waste and optimizing profitability. Likewise, technology continues to improve precision of ingredient knowledge, allowing for the application of more accurate and precise feeding regimes. Enzymes, amino acids, and other feed technologies continue to be leveraged while the industry explores additional solutions, such as renewable protein sources and new feed additive technologies. The sense of urgency to identify alternative solutions continues to grow and is compounded by the pressures of government regulations restricting use of tools such as antibiotics and pharmacological levels of dietary Zn. In turn, the industry’s interest in investigating health by nutrition interactions has increased. Extensive work continues relative to dietary modifications on gastrointestinal function and microbiome changes, and linking these changes to measurable outcomes to the producer is an important element. Now more than ever, there is much activity and interest in understanding what role nutrition plays in optimizing pork production and how to fully leverage new information and technologies.